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Over the past two decades we've seen a large part of the world turn digital - whether we like it or not, our best friend, advisor and guru is the internet. It is our biggest necessity and our finest luxury. Thanks to sites like Facebook® and Twitter® your friend or family sitting a few thousand miles across the globe now knows how your day is spent; Google® responds to your queries at your beck and call, and studies your habits and patterns so it may serve you better; Amazon® knows not only what you like to read but what you would probably like in the future; sites like TripAdvisor® guide where you should vacation and how much you should spend; LinkedIn® ensures that you are professionally plugged in and guides your career options; and of course, brilliant devices like the iPhone® make all of this effortlessly available to you; and if that isn't enough, start contributing to any of the millions of blogs and forums out there to feel as 'plugged in' as you'd like. Even then, you would have barely scratched the digital surface...
There's one theme that's common to all of these examples - everything digital is assessed, and analysed every single day, by people just like us, redefining how we live. Sceptics may say that we've crossed the line, but for you visionaries out there, you know that this is just the beginning!
I'm sure you get the point, and quite honestly anyone who is surprised really shouldn't be...
How does this info tie back to our vision?TechKnowledgey Pte. Ltd. is in the business of assessing and analysing the fundamental resource that drives change - Us. Each of us has multiple skills, and these skills vary greatly in dimension, intensity and depth. We believe, as do talent experts across the world, that there is a HUGE disconnect between the skills needed for a particular job profile, and the people that are in those jobs. We plan on fixing this disconnect, one job at a time. How? By providing hiring managers, recruiters and decision makers with the ability to understand what each candidate truly and objectively brings to the table, and whether or not their skill level aligns with the requirements of the job. May the best candidate win!
We're a lean and dedicated team of individuals and industry experts based in Singapore. If our vision aligns with yours, connect with us - we would love to hear from you!
The SharperTalent Team