Dealer Portal

WelcomeM/s. ABC Dealer & Co | 10188

Transactions - Statement of Accounts

Statement of Accounts for Single Super Phospate

Opening Balance : 22424.00
Type Document Number Date Group Product Name Quantity Debit Amount Credit Amount DD/ Cheque Number
RV 1000012 01-Aug-2014 Fertilizers xxx 100 0.00 1900.00 023424234
RV 1000011 01-Aug-2014 Fertilizers xxx 100 200.00 0.00 02342456
RV 1000016 01-Aug-2014 Fertilizers xxx 100 0.00 1900.00 023424235
RV 1000011 01-Aug-2014 Fertilizers xxx 100 200.00 0.00 02342456
RV 1000016 01-Aug-2014 Fertilizers xxx 100 0.00 1900.00 023424235
RV 1000011 01-Aug-2014 Fertilizers xxx 100 200.00 0.00 02342456

Closing Balance : 42424.00