Please read examples/1.learn.php Simple Yet Powerful PHP Caching Class --------------------------- More information at One Class uses for All Cache. You don't need to rewrite your code many times again. Supported: Files, MemCache, MemCached, APC, WinCache, X-Cache, PDO with SQLite --------------------------- Reduce Database Calls Your website have 10,000 visitors who are online, and your dynamic page have to send 10,000 same queries to database on every page load. With phpFastCache, your page only send 1 query to DB, and use the cache to serve 9,999 other visitors. get("product_page"); if($products == null) { $products = "DB QUERIES | FUNCTION_GET_PRODUCTS | ARRAY | STRING | OBJECTS"; // Write products to Cache in 10 minutes with same keyword $cache->set("product_page",$products , 600); } // use your products here or return it; echo $products; ?>