Saving You Money
We try and maintain lower prices by comparing our prices with other retailers. You save even more when you use your Reward Points for cash savings on all our products!
Keeping You Informed
Simply put, if your order cannot be processed or there is a delay in shipping your items, we will contact you through e-mail right away. No more worrying about what happened to your order!
Safe & Secure
We want you to feel secure when you shop online at EveningSecrets Lingerie. We are regularly monitored by our Payment Provider and are a Certified Merchant with InternetSecure. Read our FAQ's if you're having a problem with your card being declined.
Shipping Your Order
We provide customers real time shipping quotations from Canada Post and UPS. Rates are based on weight and package sizing and can be calculated from your Shopping Cart via the 'Estimate Shipping Charges' link. You do not need to make a purchase to use this feature. Customer purchases which exceed $75 receive FREE Canada Post Expedited Shipping.